Kuala Lumpur - Jeddah - Mekah - Madinah


1 - Alhamdulillah. Everything fine. 

2 - Waktu solat di Raudhah, antara pengalaman terindah dekat Madinah. Menitik air mata dari awal niat sampai sujud yang terakhir. Rasa dekat sangat dengan Rasulullah. The best feeling ever. 

3 - Waktu di Mekah, banyak tangkap gambar guna phone. Tup tup memory card rosak. Habis punah semua gambar :(

4 - But its ok 

5 - Dan ada yang cakap ''woi amende kat mekah pakai purdah kat mesia pakai jeans balik woo tak aci!'' rilek bro rilek.  

6 - Semua orang nak jadi baik. We try to be better each day. Slow-slow. Pelan pelan kayuh kata amirah. Taknak la nanti pakai purdah tapi perangai langsung tak berubah. Taknak la nanti orang kata ''woi amende pakai purdah tapi pi dating dengan boifren!.''  Nak istiqamah pakai stokin pun ambik masa okay.

7 - Result exam okay je btw bye muahx 

''... dan rasa sayang itu tidak pernah sedikit pun berkurang.''

It started when we're 16. Naive, us. We never met. We barely talk. But, we fell to each other.

The distance; the only reason why we fight.

I obviously hate the distance. I told you most of the days that it will be nice if you were here so that we can have breakfast together, have ice cream at the park in the evening, took lots of pictures, do silly little things together, and the list goes on.

You, as always, just listened.

''Sabar lah sayang.'' - so, I wait.

Waiting for the future that we ourself aren't sure was a bit frustating.

But because of I can't imagine myself with someone else other than you, I keep holding on.

Holding on something that was purely based on love.

Love isn't cinta. Love is something you can't even explain.

I can't explain you. Love is you.

Today is 7th.

Here am I, at the corner of my room, blowing candles on cupcake. Wishing you were here.

Today is 7th.

Here am I, at the corner of my room, reminiscing all the memories. Wishing we are still together.

I love you, still.

All the plans we made, all the promises we said, where should I bury them?

..... dan siapa perempuan tu?

Amirah can now write a novel. Bravoo!