
07:05pm 08 sept, KLIA

I sat there for a moment and then a thought ensued, what could be more perfect than a single day with you. 

How so near perfect would it be to see you through the day, from break of dawn until the sunset across the sky did play. 

What could be as wonderful as having you so near, that your every breath and heartbeat I could plainly hear. 

To see the look of caring thats held warm within your eyes, a gentle calm that you so often realize. 

So much I would share with you if I had but one day, a day to filled with memories that in my heart would stay. 

So many wonderful thoughts from being close to you, 

that turns the ordinary into perfect, 
as only you can do. 

"kalau dah sayang, australia - jitra pun tak rasa jauh mana sebab dekat kat jiwa."



The boy who caught her heart,
Who was there from the start; 
He told her off, 
He had enough.

Like a blown out- fuse,
She's totally confused;
A broken lover's law,
Where was the flaw? 

Baru fikir pasal putus cinta, dah sakit. 
Kalau betul putus cinta, mau terjun bangunan ye dak? 


This one is a keeper, I thought to myself. 

You know the one that makes you think carefully about the words that would come out of your lips before you   actually utter it.

The one his feelings you certainly won't want to mess with, let alone hurt it.

The one that makes you strive hard and do whatever it takes to bring as much laughter and joy into his life.

I thought he was the one that flattery is created upon.

The one that you've been  dreaming for a long time; dreaming that he too had dreamed the same dream all this while. 

The one you barely know yet somehow you felt connected- like you had met him in your past life, and at same time hoping that he will stay here forever and at the same time hoping that he will stay forever and still be there for you in your next life and the chemistry which translates into moments you'd shared that would be cherished forever. 

Moments that would make all the time in this raging world stood still. 

Hectic week for me. Kejar bas, kejar masa nak ke kelas, 
kejar dateline assignment (ye first week pun assignment berlambak),
balik rumah terdampar.

Its tiring.